
Feel uncomfortable and
have a mild fever
when sleeping.

Hard to stay asleep.
Wake up more than
once during sleep

Hard to fall asleep.
Take more than 30 minutes
to fall asleep.

Feel foggy
and tired
when you wake up.

memory loss

Lacking energy and
feel depression

Humans spend time sleeping about one-third of a day to take rest their brains.

Insomnia is a syndrome of having an inadequate amount or quality of sleep due to the difficulty of falling asleep, inability to maintain sleep, or suffering from waking up too early and not being able to fall asleep again. When you face difficulty sleeping at least three times a week for three months or more, the symptoms are referred to as insomnia. The situations such as the difficulty of getting sleep, lack of deep sleep, or frequent awake during sleep can affect your daily life, including having fatigue and poor concentration. Currently, it is known that about 30% of the adult population experiences insomnia. In the case of the elderly, 59.6% were found to have sleeping disorders.  Lack of sleep and overactivity of sympathetic nerves can cause developing various diseases such as cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia, and hypertension.

Sleep deprivation affects not only physical aspects such as digestive system problems, joint and muscle aches but also physiological and mental problems such as fatigue, anxiety, and tension. Insomnia leads to the insufficient secretion of melatonin which is an important hormone that controls sleep. In the daytime, serotonin is secreted and converted to melatonin at night. Therefore, insomnia causes a lower level of melatonin, which also causes lower serotonin levels. A deficiency of these sleep-related hormones can lead to impulsive behavior, depression, and impaired decision-making.

What causes of Insomnia?
  • Acute insomnia within four weeks is usually caused by sudden stress and anxiety, a sudden decrease in physical strength due to surgery, and mental shock due to a sudden accident.

  • Other causes include frequent all-nighters due to changes in the sleeping environment and working environment and caffeine such as coffee or tea before sleep.

  • Mental problems such as depression can be a cause of chronic insomnia.

  • Women can experience insomnia due to hormonal changes before and after menstruation and menopause.

  • In the elderly, dementia and chronic pain can also be the cause.

Insomnia Related Symptoms

The main symptom of insomnia is sleeping disorder.
It can lead to loss of appetite, malaise, diminished attention and concentration, headache, and indigestion. The sleeping disorder also weakens the immune system and increases the risk of getting a physical illness. Besides, severe insomnia can cause serious confusion, loss of emotional control, self-destruction, hallucinations, and delusions. Patients experiencing insomnia usually tend to have a fever, a throbbing chest and suffocation, anxiety, and frustration. Some patients experience cold sweats, cold limbs, and weakness. However, some patients do not have a significant physical problem, but they suffer from indigestion. On the other hand, some may overdrink or overeat.

Types of Insomnia

The most common type of insomnia is due to stress. Digestion and weight gain/loss are important distinguishing points in the treatment.
Skinny people may easily lose weight or have digestive problems under stress.

30 to 50 percent of menopausal women suffer from insomnia.
The treatment requires connecting with the menopausal symptoms. Menopausal symptoms may also appear in men.
Hot flushes: These types of patients have sleeping disorders due to hot flushes before bedtime.
Palpitation type: These patients have palpitation due to ischemia such as Heart blood deficiency and Heart Yin deficiency.
Depression type: These types of patients must treat the mind and body together to treat the depression. Melatonin, which is needed for sleep, turns into serotonin during the day, improving depression.  Depression can be improved with a good amount of sleep.
In the elderly, insomnia may occur due to a lack of Qi and blood.

People who are active during the daytime- These types of patients need to nourish the fluids.

People who are inactive in the daytime – People of this type have difficulty sleeping at night due to lack of activity due to lack of energy during the day. Therefore, it is recommended to boost energy treatment.

People with nocturnal urination- These types of patients have insomnia due to frequent night urination.  It is recommended to treat night urination.

People who lack appetite- Weakened spleen and stomach function cause loss of appetite. It is necessary to strengthen the spleen and stomach to tonify qi and blood.

In the case of a muscle-type jaw joint problem, it is not necessary to use TMJ Balance Appliance (TBA) because myofascial treatment or manual therapy should be enough.

In the case of TMJ disorders, TBA is essential for jaw joint disc problems, jaw opening with deviation, inflammation of the jaw joint and for the purpose of treating the jaw joint syndrome.

  • Depression Depressed mood can be defined as depression if it lasts more than two weeks and interferes with daily life.  Severe stress or various problems are the primary cause of depression. Most people with depression often complain of insomnia.
  • Panic Disorder Panic disorder is a sudden, unexpected feeling of fear, and it is a type of anxiety disorder. In certain situations, such as in a closed space or a crowded area, panic disorder patients may experience sudden difficulty breathing, cold sweats, chest or stomach pain, weakness in the body, or heart pounding.  It is a disease due to severe stress and requires long-term treatment.
MBR Insomnia Treatments

Traditional medicine treatment analyzes the sleeping environment and habits of the patient, observes the patient’s mental and physical health condition, stabilizes the mind through acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and eliminates the disordered imbalance of the organs and bowels.

At the beginning of insomnia, acupuncture treatments have promising therapeutic effects in a short period.

However, patients who have chronic insomnia often do not improve even with general life management, so combined acupuncture and MBR herbal medicine treatment will give huge benefits for insomnia patients.  We also teach such as lifestyle and sleep habits improvement and diet.

MBR Acupuncture

Meridian Balance
Restoration Treatment


Tui Na


Lifestyle teaching

MBR acupuncture, moxibustion, and cupping are used to stimulate nerves in the brain. Acupuncture points stimulate nerves in the brain and blood circulation in the organs that can improve sleep disorders.

Treatment of insomnia to use MBR herbal medicines promote the most natural sleep and treat the disharmony of yin and yang, external and internal, hot, and cold, and excess and deficiency that cause insomnia.  It helps to make the body healthy and get a good night’s sleep. After the treatment, the improvement in sleeping and an enhancement in personal health condition is also an advantage of MBR  herbal medicine treatment.

Lifestyle and Sleeping habits

Eliminate the noise during bedtime and make the temperature and lighting comfortable. Sleep and wake up at a set time. Primarily, it is recommended to keep the wake-up time constant.

Avoid taking naps. Even if you do, limit it to 15 minutes between 1 pm to 3 pm.

Walking under sunlight in the daytime is recommended for serotonin synthesis. Taking a walk in the sun for about 20 minutes or exercise with sweating for 40 minutes a day will help you sleep. It is also recommended to take a light walk in the evening. However, late-night exercise can interfere with sleep.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoke. (Alcohol temporarily increases drowsiness but makes to get up early in the morning.)

Avoid overeating and eating strong-tasting foods before going to bed and drinking adequate water to avoid thirst during sleep.

Avoiding excessive stress and tension, learning stretching, breathing, and meditation to relax will help the sleep condition.

Avoid using your smartphone, reading books, or watching TV during bedtime.

If you cannot sleep within 20 to 30 minutes after going to bed, wake up and go back to bed when you feel drowsy. Do not lie on the bed for a long time without sleeping. Doing so induces excessive tension and makes it even harder to sleep.